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A Look Inside:Living in San Ramon de Alajuela, Costa Rica and the Central Highlands

    The Truth about Renting a House in San Ramon Costa Rica

    Years ago I heard what many would think to be an old wives tale, but I heard it from someone who actually knew one of the people involved.  We were maybe sophmores in college at the time, so the story is about a kid no more than 20 years old.  He saw an add in the paper for a Porsche, or some kind of crazy ridiculously expensive car – I can’t really remember, for $1.  The kid figured it was worth a try and called the number.  A woman answered, and said that indeed the car was for sale for $1.  Of course the boy went out to see it and there it was, in all its glory, perfect condition.  The women signed over the papers, took his $1 and said good bye.  Luckily for our story, he asked why? Why was she selling this gorgeous piece of machinery for just $1?  He probably could not even afford the insurance on it, but had to get it and had to know why he was so damn lucky.  Apparently, her husband ran off with a younger woman, left her a note, and said to sell the cars and the house and send him half. I’ve been looking for $1 adds ever since.

    So…. did all your on-line research and paid tour companies tell you about the $750 rental with Ocean views and all utilities included?  I’ve been looking for that add too.  But its already rented, and always is.  So where does that leave you?  Are there others?  How do you find them?  Luckily for you its easier than finding a $1 luxury car.  I just added a new page to our website about Renting a Home in San Ramon Costa Rica – what to expect and how we can help you.  Check it out!

    Kim Rubens-Quiros

    From NY and San Jose, we are a mixed gringa/tico couple with a dream of sharing our wonderful area of San Ramon with you! Pura vida!

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