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How We Work with You

What’s Lifestlye got to do with it?

You may have noticed that this is not your typical real estate website. Sure, you can search for things by the # of bedrooms and bathrooms, sqaure foot, if it has a pool….. but we know many of you are looking at Costa Rica for the first time. Why? Because you want to retire in Costa Rica, move your family to Costa Rica, build an Eco village in Costa Rica…so many different possibilities! Maybe you don’t want to relocate to Costa Rica at all and just want a great vacation home by the beach! Just like each of you, each of the properties you see on our site is unique. And each offers a different lifestyle, so we do our best to put that information right into each listing for you. Plus, each area itself is quite different. Costa Rica is world renowned for being one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, in a tiny, tiny little package. So drive 30 minutes and your whole lifestyle can change (unless you’re stuck behind a Mac truck on the pista, then maybe 1.5 hours?! hahaha). So we think that people are looking ‘differently’ in 2020. You are hunting for a lifestyle change, and you want your home search to reflect that.

Life-Style Hunting vs. House Hunting

“Tell us the lifestyle you wan to live in Costa Rica,
and we will help you find where to live it!”

The Team at BTRG, Est. 2018

We know that when people look to move to our beautiful country, its for a lifestyle change. Sometimes it is for health, sometimes to raise our kids in a different world, or maybe as simple as wanting to retire in Paradise far from a factory where you used to work. That Paradise is going to be different for each of you, and we take out the uncertainty.

  • We listen to you, intently!
  • We talk about your wishlist
  • We talk about your budget
  • We talk about whether your wish-list/budget is realistic
  • If we have to make changes, how do we prioritize that list or make the budget go further?
  • Then we talk about where in Costa Rica you can achieve all of the above.

About Us

Blue Tierra Realty is a start-up based out of San Ramon Costa Rica, created by a group of real estate veterans who wanted to offer a better experience to our clients. Then we started to grow. Now we are also young professionals and aspiring entrpreneurs, retirees, Moms, dads, neighbors, expats, ticos, doctors, lawyers, school administrators, architects, dog lovers, retreat creators, builders, general contractors, tour guides and more. Why? Because you NEED those things to be happy in life, not just a house! So we are all here for you. PLUS…We have paired up with Realtors© all over Costa Rica, so if the cooler, breezy, Ocean View mountains of San Ramon aren’t for you, we can recommend trusted, Certified Realtors© in Costa Rica for you to work with.

Certified Realtors© in Costa Rica

Wait… what? I thought there was no Real Estate licensing in Costa Rica?! There isn’t, yet. But those of us who want to adhere to the ethical practices that so many of us are used to in the USA and other countries, can educate ourselves through the Costa Rica Global Association of Realtors©. CRGAR© was created years ago with the help of the National Association of Realtors© in the US to create an educated and trusted network of real estate professionals in Costa Rica. We meet several times a year to keep on top of the latest requirements, land law changes, and what areas are developing (for good or bad) in our country. We have been members since 2019.

Steps to Paradise…

So what’s next? Maybe you have taken a few trips to Costa Rica and have the perfect beach in mind. Maybe you had a few too many glasses of quarantine wine last night and vowed to move the whole family to a farm in Costa Rica this year! and now have no idea how to make that happen. We are here for you. We get it – let’s do this! Every move here started with a dream, and following certain steps, turned into a reality. We love to help folks with those steps to paradise! So whether you are ready to house hunt (CLICK HERE to visit our covid-19 country updates at our other website), or are just starting to gather information, let’s get moving!

Make it a SUCCESSFUL Move!

Listen, anyone can move here with out us. But like our clients say, when comparing the transition that other folks made, with their own transition, we make it a ‘successful’ move. And that makes all the difference in your happiness. We listen to your needs, your wants, we answer those questions you did not even know to ask. We will take you through the right steps, at the right time, saving you money, and ensuring a safe, happy, move to Costa Rica for years of sunshine to come. Welcome to Paradise. Pura vida!

Just a little side note. You will read all over the internet about disgruntled expats saying things like ‘don’t drink the kool-aid’ and calling Costa Rica the the anti-Paradise. That is exactly why we help our clients so much. We give you real information. We listen to YOUR needs, YOUR choices, and how YOU want to live, and help you find where to live it. Our agenda is not to just sell you a house. That’s why we have been here since 2003 as Costa Rica’s Paradise Management Realty, and grew into Blue Tierra Realty Group (est. 2018). Thank you for trusting us for so many years to change your life for the better! Pura vida!