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A Look Inside:Living in San Ramon de Alajuela, Costa Rica and the Central Highlands

For Sale By Owner in Costa Rica- is it worth it?

A great article posted on one of our colleague websites about For Sale By Owner properties in Costa Rica – the risks you take as a Buyer.  One thing to point out is the risk you take as a Seller as well.  Not only can you mis-price your home, but do you know all that goes into having a successful real estate sale?  Its not quite as easy as you might think, and having a real estate professional evaluate and help promote your home is always worth it.  And getting qualified buyers, as opposed to just a bunch of looky loos, and quite frankly, possible thieves wandering through your home, is not something you may have considered.  Take a look at the info from a buyers point of view, and check back for the follow-up on why a seller should reconsider a FSBO in Costa Rica as well:

For Sale By Owner in Costa Rica- Watch out!

Kim Rubens-Quiros

From NY and San Jose, we are a mixed gringa/tico couple with a dream of sharing our wonderful area of San Ramon with you! Pura vida!

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